This Poor Mans Diet...
Time and time again people comment at my size and weight. Usually the comments come in the form of either mockery or in a way to make me feel inferior to the larger person spitting the insult. The comment is not always meant as an insult but either way it makes me step back and feel pretty bad about the size I am and have been for the past 10 years. I am 5'and 5", weighing in at 120 pounds. This may sound ideal to most but for someone like me, it's not where I am comfortable being. Have I accepted this size? Yes, of course, I have no choice. I'm Hispanic with a high metabolism. I eat to gain weight and it vanishes overnight. I can only work out so much before I start to burn more weight. Not what I like especially since I work in a field where I deal with macho type personas that try to show dominance by size. Just like in the animal world where a larger male will show dominance over a smaller male. Larger guys don't scare me but they like to think it does. ...