What's with all this hate Facebook....

In light of recent events I am strongly considering a long term vacation from Facebook. This decision came to me ever since my feed has been filled with arguments among friends and family.How did we go from sharing pictures of our kids and waffles to spewing hateful words and tragic stories, a direct bi-product of said hateful words, for all to see? I know the answer and many people will not agree or believe this but... this is what is now being called, the Age of Trump or the Trump Era. Tragically this is a time where it is OK to curse at illegal immigrants and laugh in the face of those less fortunate. White supremacists march not only in the South but our northern cities as well.

I myself do not align with what is known as the Left or the Right. Lots of people will call me a "Snowflake", which is a joke itself being that it is a term used by supporters of our current leader. It is because of our leader that this hate is so front row in our lives.  This should not come as a surprise to anyone. The very foundation that launched the political campaign to get Trump into office was built from a group of college kids that used the internet to fuel the fire by dropping into forums and creating Reddit streams and took over social media as a means to begin the campaign. The Trump campaign didn't need funding because the groundwork was already laid. Now that he is our president there has been so much hate coming from ultra-conservative people in our country that it actually terrifies me. I myself was attacked by an older couple in Toms River during the campaign. This older couple had their pick up truck fitted with the American Flag and Trump sticker stuck loud and proud on the back. They thought it was OK to pull over and harass and attack me. I was just walking down the street going to the store to get some medicine for my then pregnant wife. Judging by their insults, they though I was Jewish, well guys I'm not and if they knew my actual name then they would have most likely attacked me worse then they were originally but that's not the point. The point was that these people thought it was acceptable to insult a complete stranger without any reason.

Now lets fast forward to where we are today.

Recent news events include the mistreatment and separation of children that are coming across the border with their parents or families or individuals that are caring for the children on the parents behalf. The major part of the story is that they ARE seperati g children as young as toddlers from their parents and putting them in holding centers. Some are tents in the middle of nowhere and even an old Walmart in Texas. The children have no parental care. Some were heard on tape crying because they needed to change a diaper and there was nobody around to help them. Absolutely SICK! So many things were being thrown around Facebook in defense of the treatment and of course I side with those that are STRONGLY against this action. I have a daughter that I cherish more than anything, she is my Princess and I let her know that every day so for me to hear that our government has been keeping children from their parents for a minor offense is sickening.

My stomach turns at the thought of what the parents are going through, illegally crossing the border or not you DO NOT harm the children.

Of course as luck would have it, we have friends and family that are so blinded by political views that they agree with the treatment stating that our president is upholding the law and they should have known better. These people don't know better. They are fleeing from gang violence and poverty in hopes of finding a better life here for themselves and their children. Die hard Republicans do not see it this way. Since this news broke I have unfriended many old friends that I thought were good people. Even got into an argument with family over this trying to have them see that what is being done is wrong I myself always keep a level head in these situations making sure as to not add fuel to the fire but those in favor seem to already have a fire lit. They attack with no remorse and give no quarter to where they will strike. This is what opened my eyes to what Facebook has become. A digital battleground between opposing points of view. The teams have been created by our current political leaders and given aid by ruthless comments from our so called president. Ive never seen our country so cut down the middle with extreme hate on either side. 

This specific situation brought to light a very terrible darkness in people that I did not know existed. People are actually using the Bible to dignify what is being done. They blame past leaders for what is happening yet they fail to see that our current leaders are usin religious scripture to appease their wrong doing. Using the Bible to dignity the harming of children and destruction of families is a new low I did not wish to be aware of but yet, here it is in 2018 and yet those who support will continue to attack anyone who is against it. My own family included. My own family where there are toddlers and devoted parents that would do anything for their children. It truly is sick. Call me a snowflake if you will but this current president of ours has done nothing but allow his associates and his own actions to incite this rage and hate that is taking over our country. Instead of stepping up and trying to make peace he instead attacks local businesses that refuse service to his administrators who support what he is allowing. Fix what is broken rather than continue to pick at what is shattered. 

I can honestly say that I have lost quite a number of friends since our future tour president has come into office and am glad to no longer associate with individuals that would endorse such behavior from those who should be leading by example. With Facebook being the platform of the rate that is forcing us to pick a side I don't know how much More time I can remain on the social media venue. I have stopped sharing photos on it. Stopped lilking others posts and refuse to allow others to push their negative agenda by simply unfriending them. 

I'm ok with all that... my Twitter has all the news I need, mind you most of it regards Star Wars and organic life choices but that is what it should be, not all this political stuff that is literally destroying families. 
Donald Trump has done nothing but create a whole new breed of hate throughout our country and he himself is using social media to spread his negative agenda. If you, like me, can't stand to see what idiots people can. Exile then go on a hiatus like me and hope that when you return, the world will be a better place.


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