A Professional is quite Rare these days.

I have been in the "Professional" work force for roughly 10 years now. I do not consider myself a millennial since I was raised MUCH differently than most of the hipsters that make up the millennial generation, so when older professionals treat me with an air of "annoyance", I get it.

Starting in banking and eventually into Real Estate and now marketing, my professional demeanor has improved despite the constant interactions with older (and younger, damn hipsters) generations that are "annoyed" by people like me so their level of professionalism is non-existent whether due to lack of care or fear of a pitch.

When I was a Realtor I thought everything was going to be great. I went in knowing that it was going to be competitive, but I had no idea that mothers, grandmothers and adults would treat me with the level of disrespect that I met in almost every sale, every inquiry, every consult. It is actually one of the main reasons I had to get out. Agent to agent interaction should be one of the professional interactions between two people but in my case it was not. My last transaction was stolen from me by a grandmother that lied to my client so she could get the full commission on the house. Attorneys have told me to keep my mouth shut, agents refused to grant me access because I was in shorts, I was showing a beach rental mind you. I have had agents laugh at me when I show a house to a client and the tenants were passed out naked inside. Agents cursed at me when their clients were not around. This all happened between professionals.

I never cracked. Through all of this, I committed to a level of professionalism that I held others to but was never returned.
In marketing, I would speak with actual Doctors that would never answer the phone properly and the language they used over the phone was horrible. I understand that they would rather not speak with me but still, announce yourself on your office phone, don't curse like a pirate ans be polite when you don't have time to talk.

It is getting harder and harder to keep the professional demeanor going when I'm met with such childish disregard but I carry on.
I wonder how many others deal with this on a daily basis. I may just be going ou of my mind and don't know it.

I guess I just need to stop expecting others to rise to the occasion and present themselves in a light that is suitable of their career. I want Doctors to announce their name and title. I don't have to worry about this anymore but I would have liked for fellow Realtors to be more polite and courteous to one another. I should start a business that teaches adults how to present themselves. There's the million dollar plan...


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