Hispanic Vegetarian

Some people might read the title to this and think...WHAT!! A Hispanic that doesn't eat meat!!!. Others may think it's no big deal. Another group will suggest that I am pushing my own agenda, which I am not. Becoming a Hispanic vegetarian has not been easy, especially since my Hispanic heritage is more so the Puerto Rican type. Meat is such a huge part of the culture and diet of Hispanics and Latinos all over the world. Although the change has not been easy, the choice was simple.

I recently discovered my blood type, A positive. For those that do not know, an A positive blood type has a specific dietary need as do all blood types. Your blood is specific to your overall bodily system and how it functions. Mine in particular is a vegetarian based diet. A positive types were the original harvesters and thrived off of what could be harvested, not hunted. There are a few meats that are good for me such as mutton and lamb. Nowhere in my blood types requirement does it say that I should eat red meat or pork. In fact, its said that A positive types should stay away from both red meat and pork alike since it could have a negative affect on my system.

When I first found this out I thought it was all bologna (see what I did there? ) but once my daughter was born I started to consider it more. and of course, I did a little more digging on our food source here in the USA, like any new parent would, and discovered that we get our pork or lechon, as my"people" call it, from places like Canada and south America. These countries will provide Americans with sick, dying or already dead "livestock " to be processed and sold to food companies. If the pig is lucky enough to survive up to the butcher block, the act of killing the animal creates more chemical trauma to the meat than you can even imagine. I know, I know... sounds like preaching. I will stop there and let you find the rest out for yourself. if you're interested in learning, look up why Chipotle had to take pork off the menu when they did.

Ok, enough on that.

The beginning was incredibly tough and I would not have been able to do it with out the full support of my wife. She was always into researching things of this sort and still is. At this current place in time ,she is researching the harmful materials put into.vaccines, not preaching I promise. She was always an advocate for healthy eating. Even when meat was an everyday item, she made sure we knew where the meat was coming from. It seems to be a niche of hers and her results are great.

She would create meals that provided me with the same daily vitamins and nutrition a s before when we were consuming meat on a daily basis. once I was able to get over the initial hump of cravings, it became quite easy. I still love the smell of roasting chicken and burgers on the grill. The hardest part was remembering how delicious pork was. Pork was always my meat of choice. It was in my blood, actually, it wasn't and should never have been.

Did I relapse you wonder. You bet your ass I did. Went to a BBQ and had myself a whole lot of grilled goodies. My body paid for it believe it or not. My body that once craved a juicy rare cheese burger could no longer find what to do with it once it entered my stomach. the same went for the chicken kabobs and the turkey burgers. Needless to say, after training myself and resetting my body, meat was no longer on the table, no pun intended, actually there was.

Ever since I paid a little attention to what helps my body run properly I have felt great. My body doesn't get tired as often. My joints feel better and my mind seems more clear sans the day-to-day mayhem that's bouncing around my head all day. Which Is why I am now able to sit down and put together this little ... story? This in turn keeps me away from the ever growing "fad allergies" such as that gluten one and many others that I ignore otherwise id be losing my damn mind.

By the way, how many people that claim to be allergic to wheat actually know what their body REALLY needs. Most people do more harm with diets than good.

Like I had said earlier. I am not preaching. I just wanted star  the tale on how one pork loving, burger muncher was able to overcome his cultural craving and listen to what his body actually needed.

Becoming a vegetarian has shown me that when you put your mind to something, you can surprise yourself.

If you yourself would like to know where to find out what to eat base  on your blood type,  start here http://dadamo.com . The book Eat right 4 your type has worked as an incredible guideline. It is strictly informational without an underlying agenda. No keto-this or chrono-that. Which by the way, fad diets are just  that, fads.

Take a look a like me and my wife did if you are interested. By the way, she is a lovely red head with the most gorgeous red hair and her blood type is B positive. Her body requires meat , red meat, so. we are still working on a happy medium.

I would really like to hear some other stories about people that have jumped the fence to greener pastures. Ha! There's a pun in there.


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