Best thing to Happen to the Walking Dead...
Me and my wife finally got around to watching the season finale of The Walking Dead the other night. Along with that we watched the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead. As of lately, past few seasons to be more exact, my interest in the franchise has grown limp. With storylines falling flat or not moving AT ALL!! The premiere of FtWD just changed all that with the intro of what should be a lasting gem of a character. John Dorie, like the fish as he says but an "ie" rather than a "y". From the instant I heard his voice I knew the writers had made a great choice by casting Garrett Dillahunt to play the role of the offbeat sharpshooter with a sweet tooth and a story, yet to be fully revealed except for his love is wandering the wasteland with a matching antique pistol. Within moments you love the character. Walking Dead has introduced and gotten rid of, a long list of likable characters but none of them had the u...
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