My wife has seen the "Light Side of the Force"

Star Wars has made millions upon millions since it first debut its first trilogy film back in the late 70`'s. It has fans across the planet and generations have been tuning in to  see the latest installment in the conflict between good and evil. The Jedi vs the Sith. The rebels vs the empire and its latest conflict, the resistance vs the first order. No matter where you first picked up interest or which film you fell in love with, there is an overwhelming love and interest in the Star Wars universe.

Anyone who is of the Star Wars fandom scene has a story of a girl that when they brought up Star Wars, they replied with " Ugh! Is it that stupid space movie?" or "Star Wars is about a bunch of guys with laser swords..". It's happened to all who love the series. We as fans love to hear  our love of the series with loved ones, mostly our significant others. They however are not so keen. My wife for one was a very big non fan of the series. She always made a comment when it was on tv and I would be watching or when I would bring it up. This all changed when " The Force Awakens " was released in theaters and she understood my love of the series and got us two tickets to go see it.

She has since become a fan and actually enables my passion for it. We now have a daughter and she even shows her support by getting her Star Wars themed shirts and toys. For fathers day she even wore her Force Awakens t-shirt and dressed our daughter in a shirt which stated "Yoda best dad in the galaxy". I was greatly pleased as you can guess. Even before this particular event she surprised me by saying "May the 4th be with you" while we were eating dinner, OUT OF NOWHERE.

I love my wife to death and I am truly gifted with the ability to let my geek flag fly. I understand that some of you are not so lucky out there. Your wife or your girlfriend gives you a displeased look whenever the topic of the Galactic Conflict arises. Maybe your better half challenges you on the subject, asking you just what is you obsession with something derived for the entertainment of children and super nerds. My friends, challenge accepted!

Should this scenario present itself, here is a strong rebuttal.

Did you know that Star Wars revolves around strong female lead roles and those roles create millions of fans and said female did not remove a single article of clothing? Rather, these females have been the lead driving force for the Rebellion and the Resistance. Tell them about privileged Princess Leia and she left the comfort of her palace to do battle with evil. Rey who was left alone on a dessert planet only to find out her true heroic purpose. And Jyn, who gave her own life and convinced others to do so for the sake of sticking it to the oppressors that strike fear throughout the galaxies. There are many more to list but the expanded.universe will keep there for awhile. Star Wars revolves around a conflict based on good vs evil. Not just aimless  explosions for affect and pointless filler set to please the masses.. This also includes political intrigue and espionage. What other franchise can you purchase memorabilia for and have it grow in value to the point where it becomes a down payment on a house. A simple action figure. Think about that. The films teach kids, boys and girls alike, to act towards a greater good when others can't or are too afraid to do so. Take a loss so others can win. Stick together even when all seems lost. Show the top dog that underdogs have bite too. In terms of music, the franchise chose John Williams as the composer for the most recognizable score in the history of film. No matter if you have seen the film or not, you know you are hearing the imperial march or the march of the resistance when it plays. Kids have developed an appreciation for classical music because of what John Williams has provided for the Star Wars universe. I could go on and on with what these films have done to improve, yes i mean improve, the future of film and society as a whole. The reasons above of just a few points to hit when presented with that all too familiar phrase, "UGH! Star Wars is so stupid! Why do you like that?".

It does please me to see the overall interest increase ever since the release of the Force Awakens from all spectrum's. Most likely due to the diverse leading cast presented at a time when protests were happening due to the alleged "White washing" of major films and award ceremonies. Star Wars defies these stigmas still.

I for one could not be happier that I am blessed to have such an enabling wife, sorry babe but you are,  that supports my geeky obsession with a Galaxy far, far away...

If you have any other points that you would like to point out for argument sake, please present them. Lets blow the roof off this one!


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