UPDATE: A professional is quite rare...

This note reflects a very recent happening a my job and is an update of my past post
I am in sales and sell sms software to marketing agencies. As you all know, if you're in the United States anyways, our southern most region was just hit by the largest recorded hurricane in history. The support for our software is located in Florida. Phones were down which happens when a hurricane hits an area, phones and Internet are usually the second item to go after the power.
Client from the Midwest calls in and is FURIOUS that he is unable to get through. Not only does he claim that it is unacceptable but after telling him that our support is in Florida and there was a major hurricane that happened just the day before, he goes ahead and say this.
"I don't give a shit about a storm , I have a business to run and unlike you East Coast Bitches, I know how to run a business".
I reply:
"Sir, I understand that you are upset but power is still out at our support centre. The hurricane knocked it out and they are working on getting it back on".
"Then why are you not picking up the support role Chris in sales? All of Myyy employees know how to do everything in the company".
I thought to myself, good for them, they must be collecting hefty salaries for acquiring so many roles. Likely they are not.
My response:
"I am the sales rep for the company and do not have the same access like support".
I was imagining him slapping a palm to his forehead and saying to himself, Duh! Of course. That's how separated departments such as Sales and Support work in every company.
This man I speak of is located in Nebraska so clearly he has no idea what a hurricane is like.
Moral of the story. No matter what type of business you are in, professionals are rare.
Anyone else have a story like this?
You can also check out the original post: A Professional is quite Rare these days.


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