Where'd you get the name?

Naming your kid can be one of the most stressful time in a parent's life. You are giving another human a title that could make their life incredible or you can ruin simply by giving them a name. Name your kid Adolf and you'll see how quickly your cute kid is painted to be a racist psychopath.

Parents give names for lots of different reasons. They give them because they sound good. Not a very wise thing to do. A lot of people carry a given name from another, more revered family member. That name in both my family as well as my wifes in Charles. Naming your kid in this sense is much more common and understood. Names have meaning as well. My name for instance is Christopher which means "bearer of Christ". I am not the religious sort but my name was originally slated to be Michael. That would not have been good considering the name you see connected with my first. My father was a huge Chicago Bulls fan.

Then there are the people who name their kids after a fictional item or person that they have a particular connection to. One of the top names of recent has been Kaleesi which is the queen title given to Danerys Targeryan from Game of Thrones . (This is strange to me). Even the worlds greatest funny man, Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda after his love of the hit  Nonetheless, that's is where I came up with my daughters. Not Game of Thrones, oh god no. My name of choice came from a little known BBC show known to all as Doctor Who. Still wondering how? Let me tell you...

Not until I was older did I dip my toe into the vast pool that is science fiction/ fantasy world. But when I did, I went all in. I have never heard of Doctor Who until I was watching Top Gear and saw the commercial with the punchline that all have come to know. " I'm the Doctor". That's all it took for me to say to myself, " Hmm, let me take a look at this Doctor guy". I loved it right from the start when they introduced Rose Tyler and later introduced Christopher Eccleston as the alien monster fighter from Galifrey know just as The Doctor. Then came David Tenant and his beloved companions. After his life cycle was up, we were introduced to the wacky, lovable and fierce reincarnation of the Doctor with an incredible performance by Matt Smith. Since episode 1 he was paired with a fiery companion know as Amelia Pond portrayed by Karen Gillian. Without a doubt these two, later three with Rory being added, have made up the greatest team ever in the Doctor Who series.

The 11th is where my wife was introduced into the fandom that is the Whovian universe. With the overall plot twist of the entire cast it was hard not to watch. SPOILER: Amelia Pond and Rory are the parents of River Song who is the wife and fellow time and space traveler of the Doctor himself.

In an earlier episode of the Matt Smith era he is talking to Amelia and says "Amelia Pond..that has a slight ring to it". He was right.

We ended up giving the name to our now 10 month old daughter. We did however make a slight change due to the spelling being so common. We chose the spelling of Emilia. Same meaning just a slight spelling change.

Me being a Doctor Who fan and other Doctor Who fans probably have one as well, I own (thanks to my lovely wife) a sonic screwdriver just like the one used by the 11th Doctor when he was travelling with Amy and Rory in his Tardis.

If we do have another daughter chances may be good for another Nerd related name. I am not a fan of Rose but Clara.... "that has a certain ring to it".


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