First Year Down!
best way to explain this past year is that you never realize how quick
time flies when you have no time to think about it. With all of the
diapers, sleepless nights, which I seem to be able to function with, the
bottles, the baths, the messy meals and sleepless nights... did I
already say that?
that she is a whole year older, things have changed. Our little peanut
has turned into a bruiser! She used to pound around on her knees and not
she up! Getting herself into all sorts of trouble. I said this in an
earlier post that it was cute in the beginning but now it's just scary
seeing how she can pull things down and get on top of pretty much
whatever she wants. We went from sleepless nights to all out worry and
panic all day until she goes to bed.
a human grow from a fragile being to a walking talking almost member of
society is a great thing to see. The emotions that develop are
incredible. I now get an excited smile every time I come home from work
whereas before, I'm not sure she even knew who I was. She has developed a
love of trees, weird. An understanding of what a cookie is and now that
she knows that, she's always asking for one. She has also become quite
aware of her day to day schedule. She knows after dinner its time for a
bath and then it's story time. She actually knows what to expect and in
what order things come in.
are literally just a few of the things she has developed in her first
year and I have no idea what comes next but I'm sure it's going to be
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