Staying safe on Halloween

Halloween is the greatest day of the year but comes only once a year. The one time of the year wherebats and ghosts are the main decor. Soldiers walk in line with mummies and dogs.  I have been in many homes where the cobwebs on the walls are real and the walls really are alive and crawling. 
During this enchanting day of ghosts, ghouls and princesses, we need to remember that although most  are partaking with their kids in the festivities, some are not. 
Here are some ways to make sure that you stay safe this Halloween.

PLEASE NOTE: Each scenario is equal to it`s appropriate response.

I never knew of this until I was much older and began to understand that different faiths frown upon the best holiday ever. Although this is the reason for some people there are also others that just don’t want to be bothered by kids knocking on their doors every five minutes looking for candy. Whatever the reason may be. If the lights are off in the house it means to move along to the next house. If the house in question is on top of a hill separated from the rest of suburbia, I would knock myself out of curiosity, I'm a REALTOR, I would have knocked anyway, do not go up to the door. Judging by the location of the house, they do not want to be bothered. Move along.

Unfortunately, there are a few degenerate types in our area that are trying to ruin everything for everyone. Our area has reported that there are teenagers and adults dressed as scary clowns walking around neighborhoods and scaring the hell out of everyone. 
What's the big deal you say? There's is no big deal if they were just adding to the horror of the holiday but they took it another step forward and started threatening locals with bats. There's the problem. 
If you happen to come across one of the guys, turn around and get away from them. They are doing Halloween wrong.

This should be a no brainer. Our mothers have been preaching this to us since we were kids. But, if Miss Tompkins, the local cat lady, comes to the door with wacked out hair, as usual, and presents a tray with what looks like homemade brownies, note that I said WHAT LOOKS LIKE, take one. We don’t want to be rude, Miss Tompkins may be a real life witch after all. Simply take the brownie and toss it in her bushes as soon as your out of sight. This will keep you out of the emergency room with possible poisoning while keeping you off Miss Tompkins bad list. Everyone wins! 

Every year there is that one person in the neighborhood that says “ Come on in for a second”. Unless it’s aunt Alice, don’t do it. They are luring you in and its not like in Hansel and Gretel, actually they could be. Make sure that if you are going around with a group of people whether it be friends or adults, stick together. The motto of the night should be, “strength in numbers”.  Nobody wants to invite a group of people into their creepy old house but if they do, you may want to go in to see what it’s all about. All great adventures begin with you and your friends together in a strange place. As long as their is 3 of you, it’s good. 

In essence of all that you have read above, please be safe this Halloween holiday. Times are changing and so are people. Whether the change is for the better or worse it’s always a good idea to be prepared. 
Be safe, be smart and just have fun. 


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