The Princess is mobile!

Our lives have been forever changed...

Our daughters birthday is just a couple short weeks away and we could not be more happy, excited, exhausted, thrilled and as of now, on high alert.

Our little one has learned to stand and after realizing what happens when she moves one foot in front of the other to get from one spot, usually the couch, to another, usually to something she is not supposed to touch. My how she has changed the game. Uh oh..

When she began walking at 11 months, we were thrilled but now seeing how much more we need to watch her has us on high alert. It used to be "Oh she's crawling, she can't get into too much trouble". But now!! Forget about it. Everything is trouble!

In the coming days we will need to reorganize our living space and remove all low lying fruit such as candles, heavy items and any other common houslehold item that could cause death, not really but you never know! Even my wifes purse on the top of the couch gets me wondering, If that falls on Meals head, would it do damage? With no time to think, shes seen it and on top of it like a dog on a steak trying to pull it down. Chances are that it will miss her when it falls but you never know. 

It went from being stressful to all out panic. 

Note: That's right... you did read Meals. Thats her name. Or part of it.. actually more of a blend of it. You can see the note from a while back to get the full story. 


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