Down the Rabbit Hole Once More...

My wife has taken quite a trip down the rabbit hole that is the nerdy world that i live in. Ever since she wished me a happy star wars day a couple years back, she has been slowly immersing herself deeper and deeper into geek fandom.

Since that time she has watched Star Wars with me and for this i could not be happier. We even watched Doctor Who together. She prefers the Matt Smith version where i am torn betwixt Smith and Tenant. I love that i get to share my love of these things with her. More recently, her new favourite show is The Big Bang. The show is hilarious, of course, but the constant plugs of scifi terms and references are what makes the show funny to me and she gets them too... i think. If not, who cares. Its still her favourite show.

The very night that i write this was the night that we watched the episode where they ar celebrating Star Wars day. My wife turned to me to remind me of the time that she wished me a happy May 4th. I was floored on this day and she just smiled. For that I love her.

It is quite funny to think of h ow i hid the geeky side of myself for years until now. However we do not do Trek-y. That's another rabbit hole yet jumped into.


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