Got the Axe on Halloween

So it happened again. I signed myself up with a company that should have been well out of its start up phase but wasn't.

I received the call at the end of the business day on Halloween, my favourite holiday, and I had believed it was for a status update on all of the prospects currently in motion to sign up for our services. Nope. It was to spew the same old explanation that I got last time at my last company.

"Things aren't happening fast enough" and "it's not your fault". If it's not my fault then why am I the one without a job now? It all comes down to bad decisions being made on the marketing end of things. It was my job to explain and nurture the prospects from hatch ling to business owner. Not an easy task for new comers. It's a long, sometimes months, to have these prospects set up a website, a business name, a sales routine and pricing on their own.

That's why it takes so long. Its a whole process!

Not only did i get the axe on Halloween but it also interfered with my enjoying the finale of Stranger Things 2. I have been looking forward to this night for such a long time and now I was left unable to see the finale in all it's splendour. Now I'm going to have to watch it again.

Also to note that it was my daughters birthday so that was fun as well. As the father I am, i refused to let it get her day down. We enjoyed the aquarium and a truly wonderful day on the boardwalk. As a father you do not get to feel bad for yourself because now there is always someone looking to you for support. It all turned out pretty good in the end. In my first day off I already have two interviews scheduled and awaiting for scheduling on more.

Getting the axe on Halloween did not reach it's goal of getting me to hate the day. It just ruined Stranger Things...temporarily.


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