I'm Glad that's over

Some of you may have noticed my sudden absence. I found it tough to express the thoughts bouncing around my head when more pressing matters were at hand.

For the past two weeks i was unemployed and what seemed like unemployable. With reasons spanning from me not having a bachelors degree, which is asinine considering the positions, to me having a wide range of work history. So! That means I know how to do a lot of different shit! I can sell, I can lead, I can create, my customer service is top notch, I know how to sell a house, wire a light switch, change a hard drive and take a food order. The whole thing was extremely frustrating especially when my dream company expressed tons of interest and suddenly dropped me out of the running due to no degree. It did not help that I had to keep explaining that my previous company provided software and not cell phones. But as they always say, this too shall pass. And it did.

I recently started as the coordinator of all things office for my BILs successful electric company. That boy is great at what he does but an office is not for him. This is a step back on my resume but who cares. One thing I always wanted to do is ensure that my job helps people. I grew so sick of selling things to people that I knew they didn't need. I hated quotas. Now I get to help my family. I get to help people that need help and I enjoy the office setting.

Working with family always comes with a hang up. Its always weird to talk about money with family but when both sides are equally uncomfortable about it, it has a weird way of working itself out.

I'm glad i finally pulled the trigger on this. Like i sad, i enjoy helping people and so far its what ive done. Being tossed into the wading pool of interviews sucks and boy am i glad that's over.


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