She did it again... and again...

One of my few last entries held the content that informed the readers that my sweet little daughter pooped whilst bathing. Since that time it has happened again and as the the titles informs you, again.

The second time was not so bad because I found myself ready to deal but there was no amount of readiness for the third. The reason being... not to gross you out, the consistency. I was unable to grasp and dump what could not be grasped...and dumped. It was gross. It was so gross that I needed to alert my wife that IT happened again. It was a good thing all the washing was done.

The worst part of this unpleasant ordeal is not the substance itself, rather it is the action of trying to play with the substance once it is in view. I am sure that this will not be the last time this happens.

Swimming pools will never be the same.


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