Still Wandering in Skyrim...

The choice of title for this note could not be ore accurate. I am a geeky gamer with an ambitious need to travel alongside a storyline that fully envelopes you into its .... being? (Don't take the use of that term the wrong way.)

Skyrim is one of the first game that I have played as a means to forget the stresses.of my long days. Most people drink to achieve this goal but in the beginning, wine was still an uncleared cavern. Now that me and wine are friends, Skyrim has only gotten better. There is nothing more satisfying than being able to sit down with a bag of mini donuts, usually provided by my lovely wife, and claim the soul of a dragon after battling with it in the Nordic country of Skyrim.

Only those who have played the game will understand when i say that i have played through the civil war about six times. Each time as a different race and character. Only once of those six times have i decided to go into battle on the side of the Imperials. Only once have i decided to follow the Imperial during the opening scene rather that the fellow prisoner. Never have have I completed the game, if that is even possible, and never have I grown tired of going through the same quests, meeting with the same characters and going through the same introductions. Each time you start a new character the game is different, to you outsiders see the same cut scenes and steps taken but you as a the player see a newly free Redguard seeking to punish the vampires that murdered your family with the help of the Imperials that rule over the land while taking on your Dragonborn birth right enabling you to bring an end to the chaos caused by the return of the dragons. Woah... had a nerd meltdown there.

You can choose specific play styles to go through with. You can choose to be a thief, wizard, warlock, viking, paladin or ranger just to name a few. You can even be some local guy that just goes hunting everyday and sells the furs for profit. You never have to actually play the game if you don't want to. Its madness. This is why I am still venturing throughout Skyrim. I have logged so many hours into this game and have yet to see the end beyond the civil war conflict. I don't even think I've visited all the cities. That's sad considering ive been playing for like 5 years.

Games like Skyrim are important for gamers to play. This game does not want to numb your senses like COD but rather, invite you to visit and become part of the world that has been created for you. Even if you decide to chase down foes with a battle axe you still need to go through a commentary that forces you to appreciate the scale of what you are in. Most recently, I decided to begin an elemental mage with the Dark Elf race. This is exciting since I never, out of all the times I created a new character, worked on just a mage. This means no weapons except for the occasioanla dagger for poisining and just soley relying on magic. Since I was eating Chinese food on the night I decided to create this character, I aptly named him Kikoman. I have actually discovered a new mine right off the bat since starting this new character. This truly is a game that has so much to discover and not enough time to do so.

So like I stated in the title. I have been playing Skyrim on my XBox 360 for about five years and counting and there is no sign of a finish line or any sign of the game slowing down.


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