Back in the Outback...

So a couple of months ago I purchased yet another Subaru. I got myself my ultimate dad wagon. A 2001 Subaru Outback. It came with 205K on the miles, scratches…err.. scars along its sides from god knows what and some usual issues that you would expect from an old gal like this one. By the way, this is the first time that any of my cars was a female or any gender at all. They all have had their names that went along with them from Ol Blue to Equinso Ocha. Since this one is old, ugly form its scars and that annoying sea foam green that is starting to grow on me, this Outback has been dubbed Slug. Also due to the fact that she did not have a good pickup went we got it on the road. 

I was very happy to be back in the driver seat of the most comfortable car I have ever driven. Once I was in the seat it was like I never left. Mind you, I got this car on the cheap so there were some issues, like I said earlier and that was to be expected. The engine had a slight bleed and a squeak when you turned the wheel and I had planned on getting my own hands dirty with the correcting of those when time allows and of course with a full time job and a wife and daughter at home, time is tight. My family duties supersede all! So with no time available to learn myself, I brought the Slug to a local Jiffy Lube for a quick oil change. The painters tape on the window from the supposed last oil change did not sit well with me. As they brought forth the Slug over the pit they quickly stopped it and turned it in reverse. Turns out Slug was bleeding pretty bad. Her wounds were so bad the guys at Jiffy Lube wouldn’t even change the oil out of fear of being held liable for any damage that may occur from the new oil.

Ugh! I had an idea of something like this happening when I got the car for 1K. Nevertheless, just as I would not turn away a wounded dog, I shall carry on with rehabilitation of the Slug and bring her back to the former glory that she once had. Also I want my daughter to know that her father chose the ugly station wagon that smells funny over a new car because it’s what I was looking for. I didn’t settle, although my wife was pretty close to making me, for anything else but the old Subaru Outback that I missed from so long ago. 

This Outback is not ready for the scrap heap just yet. There's a second life in this one and I’m going to be the one to live it. 


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