Living with Rude Neighbors...

Me and my wife have had our fair share of neighbors. We moved out together when I was in college and she was just graduating High School and NO! it’s not weird. We were dating all through High School. It’s not like I coaxed a Junior to move in with a grown man. However that is sort of how we were depicted by our first batch of neighbors. We were assumed to be the typical young, partygoers that you see in the movies or on TV, throwing parties every night of the week in a show of our newly found independence. That is not us and never will be.  Not to mention our first apartment was actually smaller than the living room that I am typing this note in.

We fell victim to assumption for the noises that came from the apartment above us. Obnoxious sex noises coming from the open patio door of the 40 something year old woman that was seeing a man on the side, overheard a phone call, of her unknowing husband. Neighbors would slam the doors on us when we had groceries and they even threw our doormat out of the building. Since our neighbors were older, much older, we knew why they behaved this way towards us. We had to move and we did. We had it easy for a while after that living on the first floor of a two story apartment building under a cat lady that kept to herself, until her toilet exploded and flooded our walls. She knew how to be a neighbor on the upside. She had so much carpet laid out up there that you could only hear when one of her 20 pound cats would jump off the couch landing oh so lightly on the padded floor below. 

This wonderful lady was replaced  few years later by what we thought was a normal young couple. We were wrong, very VERY wrong. The couple that replaced her liked to dabble in extra curricular activities that were not so legal or pleasant. Our apartment began to reek daily to the point that if we needed the police, they would arrive and demand a search to find the source of the smell. Not only did they smell but they had sad sex every night like clockwork at the same time, the same way, from what we could tell, on a bed that seemed to have springs. Who has springs anymore? On one occasion they invited people over for a party and as the first guests arrived, the bed got to squeaking, with people in the other room! On another note, I once had to bust into their apartment after hearing the screams of help from the girl after they got into a fight. That was awkward and unsettling. We moved after that. 

We have absolutely no complaints regarding the neighbors we had after them. As a matter of fact, we became great friends with our next neighbors. We would have dinner at each others places, our dogs got along and they were just really cool and civil. Unfortunately we had to move away to make room for the princess now know as Mealz. So now we are back living on the first floor of a two story apartment underneath neighbors that have kn rugs, nor common decency and no god damn clue that the people below can hear you walking around at ALL HOURS of the night. As I am typing I can hear them. We actually thought they were moving out last week but we were wrong. They were only getting rid of stuff to make room for another person! 

My wife is now looking for another place…

Living with rude neighbors is tough as hell. In the situation of our young neighbors that liked to fight, screw and scream all the time, I found them on Facebook and sent them a message. They actually apologized and tried their best to deal with the smell issue but the squeaks remained, of course. How can you tell someone to stop having squeaky sex? Maybe we should have sent them a foam mattress. 

I feel the best way to deal with these situations is to first wait it out. The rude gestures may not be their intention rather just a temporary issue they are having. As I say that they turned on the TV upstairs and are playing rap music. It’s currently 1:21AM. My wife already sent a letter to the manager of the complex about the noise once before and something tells me she will do it again. There it is! That’s how you deal with rude neighbors, get my wife to tell on them. Everyone wins!


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