Where do you find a husband...

A few days back I came across a status from one of my friends on Facebook. It was a simple question that I felt was being taken too lightly, considering the comments that were left. The question that was being asked was "Where can you find a husband?" Of course this being social media nobody seemed to get the question. This is what I gathered from answers like the dog park of the food store. I saw into the matter deeper than I should have. So keeping with the humorous theme, I gave my honest opinion but with my own twist.

This was my response:

Husbands are like plants. They start out as seeds, most of the time. You need to help it grow by giving it water, sun and a lot of time. Once you start to see it bud from the ground you can then start to trim it so it turns into what you want it to be. Take away the weeds and make sure bugs don't eat At the same time making sure you can return the growth. A better example of this is me, it took me A LOT of years before I asked Lex to marry me. Now we have been together for 15 years. I was not the plant I am today in the beginning. I wore all black and was sort of an ass. Now I am a wonderful plant that ensures that my caretaker/ wife/ best friend/ baby making partner receives the same care that she has given to me for so many years. Boom! Eat your heart out kids!

Yes, that was from me and I truly believe it despite the analogy that was displayed. A perfect match or mate will never happen right away. You will always need to compromise and adapt to better suit each other. If you believe that there were not any compromises made, take a closer look and you will see it. The part about me being an ass and wearing all black was the old me. I saw what I had and wanted to be better for her so that is how I got to be where I am today. Its those that refuse to budge that end up in despair in the wilderness that is an adult relationship.

I actually had a lot of fun putting this note down.


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