Doughnut love....

As I get older I find myself falling more and more in love with fluffy, sometimes crunchy and always welcoming doughnuts. As a kid I was never too fond of them but here I am in my thirties and damn... I love them. I have no idea when it happened but now that the obsession is here, it's here to stay. Years back, I would wake up early enough to head to the store and gather around the Entemans table with all the other old timers trying to decide how we would choose the treat ourselves. Now, I'm not an old timer by any means but I know how pastries draw in those with silver caps. 

Me and my wife have been known to travel for great pastries and I wish we could do the same with doughnuts but with there being no shoppes that make "normal" doughnuts, it's tough. We have on place near where I live now. Broad Street Dough Co. I enjoy a good old fashioned type. I'm not so keen on the places that pride themselves on how many toppings they can pile on a single doughnut. I want to taste the actual doughnut and not just marshmallows, candies and gummies. That's not my cup of tea or cup of coffee rather. We are speaking about doughnuts after all.  My interest was peaked most when my wife and I watched Dexter. They were always bringing that iconic pink box into the office and even though they didn't show them, I know it was filled with delicious, powdered and filled balls of dough. We have no place here where we can get one of those boxes. If we did, I would make it a point to get one just about every weekend. 

Doughnuts are more than a treat for me. They are sort of my companion on my long game nights that I have once a week. Part of my de-stress process during the week I like to sit on a pillow on my living room floor with a box or bag of doughnuts by my side as I play my video games. It's enough of an escape for me. As I get older it's just too funny to realize that doughnuts are more of an old mans treat rather than the younger crowd. This is what I see anyways. Too many young people around me are concerned with sugar and carbs and blah, blah, who gives a crap. I love doughnuts and they make me feel so happy. Ahhhh, I want one right now. 


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