Have you seen Riverdale ...?

Have you seen Riverdale? ( Pause for effect at the end of that question.) If the person you are asking looks around cautiously before saying yes then you know they have seen what you have seen. They probably think what you think or maybe they don't and when you asked them the question they just said " yup" without hesitation. Maybe they were having sex all over the place in high school and drinking wine with dinner even though they are still kids. Maybe the person you are asking bought Starbucks on their way into school and then sat for long amounts of time in what seems like a student lounge while bickering over either sexual or murderous daily topics. If it was me you were asking, I'm shocked for a little bit of all of the above. 

I can't believe that this show is geared towards the young demographic that it is with the sensationalized points it puts in front during each episode. There's way too much sex for one thing... wait... maybe they are right for doing that. Too much sex is what high school is all about anyways. I guess I forgot that part. But! The most recent episode revolves around all four main characters being told to spend a romantic weekend in a secluded cabin alone, parents knowing and disapproving even though they offered it, with their adjoining boyfriend/ girlfriend. This would never happen... wait... it did happen. It wasn't as bad when I took my now wife to a hotel in Vermont for the weekend, just the two of us. I mean I was old enough to do so, already having graduated high school while my girlfriend has not. I was older than her by a could years so it wasn't as bad... actually that seems worse. Parents approved of course so I guess I did that too... but worse. Hmm. 

So it seems that I am wrong in saying that this should not be in a series that is marketed towards kids in high school. For most, this is kids in high school. Right down to the jocks having a book stating what was done with what girls and how many points you get for it, that was not my my school but teens are assholes so I know there's one out there. 

I bet you thought I was going to rub my morality all over this one. I was. But during the rant that I presented to my wife I realized that we did that stuff when we're in high school. Some things were worse and
Some are completely out there, I think. I would like to think that all the gay kids in my school were not meeting strangers in the woods at night for "dogging" sessions. Maybe they were, I'm not gay so how the heck would I know? Another possible point to the accuracy of the writers. I would also like to think that there were no crime syndicate families donating to local charities that only benefitted the dark underside of the donor. Then again, I do live in New Jersey so.... Dammit. 

Ok ok, I got it! The wealthy family in town that pushes a wholesome item such as Maple Syrup as a cover for their giant drug trafficking operation. Ha! Point to my moral high ground. The same rich families matriarch becomes a concubine to the local men after her husband commits suicide due to being outed as a drug lord as well as the man that killed his own son to cover it up. There's another point.... wait... that happened in high school to. Sort of. 

Wow... Mealz is getting home schooled. That's it. And she is never to pick up an Archie comic.


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