Our neighbors are evil & they hate us...

I recently wrote how we have lived with rude neighbors throughout the years but nothing like what we experienced just a couple days ago. For those that have kids you know what teething can be like and the menacing behavior that accompanies it. Our daughter has six teeth coming in all at once so needless to say, it's been rough. More than anything we wish we could trade places with her. This must be something that our upstairs neighbors have forgotten. Note, they have a grown son so they have been where we are. It was a fine morning until we heard , what sounded like, a flipped table come from upstairs. The husband upstairs began screaming at his wife and telling... actually... ordering her to go downstairs and tell us to shut our f**king baby up. He continued to go on about it sounds like we are rolling bowling balls across the floor. Weird to think this is possible especially since we live on the first floor. This went on for quite some time even going as far as screaming at his wife that we should be beating our daughter so she behaves and stops running around. There's a special place in hell for assholes like him... and her. Comes to be that the wife is a school reached in the town in a district where more than half the children are ruined by domestic abuse. These two must be stuck in the 60's where macho reigns supreme. I will never and WOULD NEVER, strike my daughter. Children should never fear those that are here to ensure her well being. Abuse is for the weak. There's never a reason so severe to show this sort of cruelty to a one year old. My child is learning basic motor skills and simple words, not that when I raise my hand she should stop what she is doing. Those children more than likely end up returning the favor down the road or getting right to the point and offing their parents, usually in a very gruesome

I actually found myself hoping that the wife would come down and speak "wife to wife" only to be surprised that it would be me she would talk to. Some people would have gone upstairs to confront the monsters but not I. It has nothing to do with being afraid rather it is all about being the better human. I lose no sleep knowing that I have not retaliated in a way that I would later be ashamed of. It also does not help knowing that we are the only people in our entire building that are white or whatever the hell you want to call what we are. I continue to say hello to all my neighbors on a daily basis with no response, no acknowledgment or return. Yet I still say hello. 

The downside to all of this is a big one. We are yet again on the market for a new place to live. The next place will have no attached neighbors because we wish to avoid the very situation that we were already treated to. An issue that we are facing is the fact that we need to go south... way south. The county that we live in now is raising prices at an obscene rate. We can pay the same amount in rent for a detached home where we won't have to worry about lowlife neighbors that have forgotten what it was like to raise a child. It will be a better environment for our daughter and my wife will have much needed peace of mind. 


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