The Ol Real Estate Itch...

It has been about a year since I gave up my post in the real estate world. I gave up this career so I would no longer have to deal with fee after fee along with disrespectful agents as well as suffer the dread of losing out on commissions that were usually taken by the fore mentioned disrespectful agents. I remember thinking to myself that those agents just wanted it more but then I remember that I will not act in a way that will steal sleep from me at night. My morals are quite a son of an itch that usually keep me from enjoying myself.

I bring up this note because as of very recently I have been receiving quite a bit of contact from both new and past clients looking for my services and know how for either buying a home or just looking to get into another rental property. Since I'm out, I have been forwarding their interest to my old colleague and mentor and I am more than happy to do so. But even doing so, it's not the same. The rush that I would get when someone would call and ask you for help with finding a home is like none other. There's a sense of excitement, willingness and , of course, dread when it comes to learning what your target is. Are we going modern, ick, or maybe we want to find an ice ranch in an older part of town. A condo close to the beach or a rental that allows dogs, which by the way was my favorite venue to fight in. All these feelings came flooding back to me this week. It really makes me miss it and not just the initial sense of joy but all the work and production put into that final scene where your client gets to call a new place home while all the while I sit back and act humble deflecting the many thanks for a job well done. Ahhh!! I miss that. It's best explained as that itch that you can't scratch. You can look but you can't touch. A feast that you see but can't eat. 

Because of this sudden itch I am going to start looking for a way that I can put forth my knowledge and love for real estate to good use without getting too far into it. This will be made easier thanks to the knowledge of my unlicensed limitations. I feel, actually I hope , that this will be the tool that I use to scratch my itch because I'm starting to tell like I'm getting chickenpox again. 


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