Mealz and her meals...
Getting your kid to try new foods at a young age can be quite difficult. It must be scary for them judging by how our daughter reacts when we try to offer something as simple as mashed potatoes or even jello. My wife discovered an incredible tactic that has yet to fail. Now, all kids are different so chances are it will not work for everyone but for us, it was a, as the Doctor says, Bingo!
When offering a new food that she is weary of we simply bring the whole pot out, or in some cases, like ours the other night, the whole bird.
We found that she is more open to trying new things when she is able to see right where it is coming from. Most of the time it will be out of a pot or a box. If we were to just try and give her a piece of meat she would push it away. We discovered this when we brought vegetables out onto the table one night and rather than enjoy the same vegetable in front of her, she wanted the same ones that were in the pot.
What can I say? Our kids weird.
As you can see in the pictures below we were able to coax her into eating sweet potato gnocci. Originally she wanted nothing to do with it but would you guess it? She couldn't get enough of the gnocchi that was still in the pan.

The same situation when we tried to give something that ALL kids like. Jello! Skeptic at first but once we put the source in front of her she went to town. 

This may be a quirk of hers but we can't complain, at least she eats. I am curious as to how this will develop as she gets older. What will happen when she goes out for steak or fried chicken. Is she going to want to see the farm her food comes from like in the episode of Portlandia? I hope not but if so... oh well, at least she eating.
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