
Showing posts from April, 2018

Best thing to Happen to the Walking Dead...

   Me and my wife finally got around to watching the season finale of The Walking Dead the other night. Along with that we watched the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead. As of lately, past few seasons to be more exact, my interest in the franchise has grown limp. With storylines falling flat or not moving AT ALL!! The premiere of FtWD just changed all that with the intro of what should be a lasting gem of a character. John Dorie, like the fish as he says but an "ie" rather than a "y". From the instant I heard his voice I knew the writers had made a great choice by casting Garrett Dillahunt to play the role of the offbeat sharpshooter with a sweet tooth and a story, yet to be fully revealed except for his love is wandering the wasteland with a matching antique pistol.    Within moments you love the character. Walking Dead has introduced and gotten rid of, a long list of likable characters but none of them had the u...

Mealz and her meals...

Getting your kid to try new foods at a young age can be quite difficult. It must be scary for them judging by how our daughter reacts when we try to offer something as simple as mashed potatoes or even jello. My wife discovered an incredible tactic that has yet to fail. Now, all kids are different so chances are it will not work for everyone but for us, it was a, as the Doctor says, Bingo! When offering a new food that she is weary of we simply bring the whole pot out, or in some cases, like ours the other night, the whole bird. We found that she is more open to trying new things when she is able to see right where it is coming from. Most of the time it will be out of a pot or a box. If we were to just try and give her a piece of meat she would push it away. We discovered this when we brought vegetables out onto the table one night and rather than enjoy the same vegetable in front of her, she wanted the same ones that were in the pot. What can I say? Our kids weird. ...

The Curse of the Curly Hair...

I understand that there are two sides to the argument of curly hair being the better ... hair. People who have it hate it and those without it, want it. Its really a great embodiment of the phrase " be careful what you wish for". I wished for our daughter to have beautiful curly hair and she got it and I ha... ehh, for lack of a better  word, struggle  with it. Don't get me wrong,  Mealz and her golden locks are adorable. And I love everything about her, but man... that hair collects food and boogers like none other. Every other night during bath time I brush all the items out of those twisty little traps. It cracks me up to know that I actually have a routine to the whole thing. For any other fathers out there that are in the same boat pay some attention to this part. I pour water on her head and look for the frizzy parts. I brush, very lightly, the frizzy parts until they become smooth. That's how I know the knot and food is out. Once her whole head is smooth I k...